According to the 2015 Budget proposals, Education Ministry to be reduced the cut-off marks for students who sat the August 2014 Grade / Year Five Scholarship Examination (Paha Wasara Shishathawa Wibagaya). 163 Pass marks to be reduced 157 marks and for rural districts it Pass Marks will be marks 152. - Lankadeepa
2014 Grade 5 scholarship examination cut-off marks for popular schools will be released in December.
The Education Ministry says the Grade 5 scholarship examinations' cut-off marks for selection of students for popular Schools will be released on the 15th of December. The relevant forms to apply for popular schools have already been sent to the zonal directors of education.
Then the application forms will be given to the relevant principals to be distributed among the parents or guardians of the students. The application forms should be duly filled and handed over to the principals to be directed to the ministry. Accordingly, the students will receive new schools in January.