Year Five / Grade 5 Scholarship Examination (Shishshathwa Wibagaya) will be curtailed to 1 and half hours from 2015 onwards.
Minister of Education Bandula Gunawardena said that the Ministry of Education has decided to restrict Grade Five Scholarship Examination only to one question paper of one and half hours from next year onwards (2015).
Under this method the talent of the students in the knowledge of Language and Mathematics will be tested. The Minister said that this method would reduce the expenditure of the parents and students will get a great mental relief. It will also save a considerable time of the parents and the students.
In the exams held up to now, there were questions outside the subject stream as well.
The model papers of the future exam will be introduced by the Examination Department next month.
The Minister said that book stalls of the Educational Publication Department have now been established in several railway stations and the Vidyodaya Pirivena in Maligakanda and steps have been taken to establish further book stalls in other railway stations as well. The Minister said that in the recent past the students became violent following the removal of Aesthetic Education from the Education stream. He said that what the country need today is a child generation who could involve in inventions and face global challenges. Sports and Aesthetic Education are two subject streams that are essential. The Minister said that 10,000 Aesthetic teachers will be recruited shortly to overcome the shortage of teachers existing in this field.