"Rin Bright Star Reality Tv Program"
The Rupavahini Corporation in partnership with the Education Ministry and Unilever Sri Lanka will launch a nationwide quiz competition, Rin Bright Star, that will both test and enhance the multiple intelligence of schoolchildren and revive the appeal of reality educational programs among viewers.
The program will be based on American psychologist and Professor of Cognition and Education, Howard Earl Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence which argues that intelligent behavior does not arise from a single general ability but numerous different ways of thinking and learning. Children learn, remember, perform and understand in different ways. The educational quiz program will steer the younger generation towards participating and viewing knowledge based entertainment, Education Minister Bandula Gunawardena said.
Deadline is July 2nd
More Details Call 0772720710
According to Gardner’s theory, children get to know the world through seven distinct intelligences or learning styles which include visual, bodily, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, language and logical mathematical analysis.
A serious drawback in the present system of education is the lack of learning activities that could enhance these intelligences among children.
These learner needs have been identified and strategies to meet these requirements are being activated in the educational reforms. “We believe that the Rin Bright Star quiz program will enhance the multiple intelligences of children and stimulate a change in attitudes among parents and the society at large,” Education and Youth Affairs Deputy Minister and Skills Development Ministry Monitoring MP Mohan Lal Grero said. The national Rupavahini, has over the years since its inception in the 1980s, hosted children’s programs, including singing, dancing contests and quiz competitions.
Introducing a program to test and capture the multiple intelligence of school children is another first for the channel, Rupavahini Corporation Chairman Wimal Rubasinghe said.
The competition will span over four months and will target schoolchildren between 11-15 years from all provinces.
The entry point to the show will be through a selection phase where applicants will sit an aptitude test.
Selected competitors will go through quizzes structured at quarter, semi, and final rounds with the winner entitled to a cash prize of Rs. 1,000,000.00 of which Rs. 300,000.00 will be diverted to the respective school.
Source - DailyNews
අධ්යාපනඅමාත්යාංශයේපූර්ණඅධීක්ෂණයෙන්ජාතිකරූපවාහිනියහායුනිලීවර්සමාගමහාඑක්වසංවිධානයකරනබ්රයිට්ස්ටාර්රියැලිටිවැඩසටහනසඳහාවයසඅවුරුදු 13 ත් 15 ත්අතරදරුවන්ටසහභාගිවියහැකිබවඅධ්යාපනනියෝජ්යඅමාත්යමොහාන්ලාල්ග්රේරුමහතාප්රකාශකරසිටී.
වාචසික, භාෂාමය, සංගීතය, රිද්මයානුකූල, තාර්කික, ගණිතමය, දෘශ්යඅවකාශමය, කායික– සංචලනමය, පුද්ගලඇතුලාන්ත, අන්තර්පුද්ගලහාසොබාදර්මබුද්ධියපිළිබඳගවේෂණාත්මකනිර්ණායකතුළින්සුපිරිමපාසල්ශිෂ්යාතේරීමමෙමවැඩසටහනේඅරමුණබවත්, මෙරටරූපවාහිනීළමාරියැලටිකලාවේනවමානයකටගෙනඒමටහැකිවනුඇතැයිනියෝජ්යඅධ්යාපනඅමාත්යවරයාප්රකාශකරසිටියේය. මේවනවිටසියලුරජයේපාසල්විදුහල්පතිවරුන්ටමෙමතරඟයපිළිබඳවදැණුවත්කරඇතැයිදමේසඳහාඉදිරිපත්වීමටඅපේක්ෂාකරනදරුවන්ටවිද්යාලීයවිදුහල්පතිවරයාහමුවීවැඩිවිස්තරලබාගතහැකැයිවැඩිදුරටත්මොහාන්ලාල්ග්රේරුමහතාප්රකාශකරසිටියේය.
බ්රයිට්ස්ටාර්සුපිරිජයග්රහකයාටරුපියල්දසලක්ෂයක්දඅනුශූරතාවයසඳහාමුදලින්රැපියල්අටලක්ෂයක්දදෙවනස්ථානයසඳහරැපියල්පන්ලක්ෂයක්දහිමිවේ. මෙයටඅමතරවඅවසන්වටයසඳහාතේරීපත්වනදරුවන්ටවිශේෂත්යාගසහසහභාගිවනසෑමසිසුවෙකුටමසහතිකපත්රයක්දහිමි වේ.
වැඩිවිස්තරසඳහාදුරකථනඅංක– 0772720710
Source - Cnewswww.lankauniversity-news.com