2013 /L Exam results will be Released on or Before 10th April 2014.
2013 G.C.E. Ordinary Level examinations (O/L Exam) held from December 10 to 20.Sri Lankan Commissioner General of Examinations, W.M.N.J. Pushpakumara said that 384,000 school applicants and 196,100 private applicants sat for the examination this year, which held at 4,312 centers. The O/L exam consists of 48 individual subjects.
2013 G.C.E. Ordinary Level examinations (O/L Exam) held from December 10 to 20.Sri Lankan Commissioner General of Examinations, W.M.N.J. Pushpakumara said that 384,000 school applicants and 196,100 private applicants sat for the examination this year, which held at 4,312 centers. The O/L exam consists of 48 individual subjects.